Autoimmune Disease | San Diego

Treating Autoimmune Disease at The Pain Center San Diego

Those with autoimmune diseases may benefit since the cells and tissues of the body that are either low in number or damaged can be regenerated with this therapy.

Treating Autoimmune Disease?

Human tissue product therapy continues to show even greater promise and more possible uses. Those with autoimmune diseases may benefit since the cells and tissues of the body that are either low in number or damaged can be regenerated with this therapy.

What is Human Tissue Product Therapy?

Human tissue products are categorized as undifferentiated, making it possible for them to differentiate into specialized cell types. This means that they are capable of developing into various cell types in the body. With this therapy, human tissue products are harvested and then injected into specific areas of the body. They signal existing cells to go to work and alleviate inflammation by naturally releasing anti-inflammatory elements.

Why Consider Human Tissue Product Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases?

This therapy has been shown to promote healing activity with an array of autoimmune disorders. The cells work to heal damaged tissue, as well as modulate the immune system, making it possible to essentially turn off pathological responses while preserving the immune system’s ability to fight off disease. The human tissue products go to areas where inflammation resides and start to produce anti-inflammatory agents. They do not suppress the total immune response but instead act locally. Human tissue products also help to trigger T regulatory cell production. These are immune cells that work to prevent immunological self-attack.

Human Tissue Product Therapy Benefits for Autoimmune Diseases

Those with an autoimmune disease can still experience symptoms and relapses even when taking their medications and undergoing other traditional treatments. This can make it difficult to live a productive life. With human tissue product therapy, there are several benefits for those with these conditions:
  • Not all patients respond well to drugs and traditional therapies, so seeking out alternatives, such as human tissue product therapy, can give them other avenues to improve their quality of life.
  • The side effects of medications can sometimes be harsher than the disease itself, but human tissue product therapy does not cause the drug side effects many patients experience.
  • This therapy offers anti-inflammatory benefits, as well as the ability to regenerate and repair damaged tissue without inhibiting the immune system like drug treatments do.
  • The therapy is specifically targeted, so it does not have a negative impact on the total body like the medications used for autoimmune diseases.

Non-Surgical Human Tissue Product Therapy

Non-surgical human tissue product therapy is approved by the FDA. It involves injecting the human tissue products into the body using a needle, making it a minimally invasive procedure. The purpose is to restore the body back to optimal function. Patients receive individualized care and treatments that are tailored to them. Traditional autoimmune treatments are largely focused on reducing symptoms and relapses. This therapy is regenerative and goes deeper to target the underlying issue.

Traditional autoimmune therapies are focused on essentially dampening the immune system, leaving the patient vulnerable to infection. Human tissue product therapy is focused on not hindering the immune system, but instead taking those misguided cells and restoring their normal function. The following autoimmune diseases can benefit from this therapy:

Multiple Sclerosis

This condition affects the central nervous system, resulting in nerves deteriorating, and eventually, experiencing permanent damage.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The lining of the joints experiences damage which can lead to joint deformity and bone erosion.

Crohn’s Disease

The digestive tract becomes inflamed, which can cause an array of symptoms, such as severe diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, and malnutrition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this therapy cause pain?

There are no invasive procedures included with the injectable human tissue product therapies. This makes it possible for a shorter procedure duration and less discomfort.

Will the body reject human tissue products?

For this therapy, human tissue products come from the placenta and umbilical cord tissue. This eliminates the risk of rejection issues because the body does not recognize these human tissue products as foreign. The babies these come from are screened for infectious disease and born healthy.

Is human tissue product therapy the same as platelet-rich plasma?

No, the two are different procedures. With platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelets are separated from the patient’s blood and then re-injected to promote tissue healing. With human tissue product therapy, platelets are used in conjunction with human tissue products. At this clinicm we use cytokines which are far superior to PRP.









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