Around 1 out of 3 people diagnosed with a form of cancer experience cancer pain during treatment. Those who have had cancer spread throughout their body or have reoccurring cancer have a much higher chance of experiencing cancer pain. Your pain can be dull, achy or sharp and range from mild, constant, intermittent or severe.
Cancer pain is caused by the cancer itself. Cancer typically causes pain by growing or destroying the body tissue near where the cancer is located. Cancer pain may not just be caused the the physical effects of cancer on the body, but can also be caused by the chemical releases near the location of the tumor. Some cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgeries can add the the cancer pain. Surgeries that are invasive can have long recovery windows and cause additional pain throughout the body. Chemotherapy can cause numerous painful side effects due to the nature of the treatment plan.
There are a number of treatment options for cancer pain. In terms of what The Pain Center can offer, Nerve blocks and medication options are common ways that help reduce pain and stop pain signals reaching the brain. We offer numerous specialized treatments at our San Diego clinic that can help reduce your cancer pain. Depending on the type of cancer and severity, we will assess what the best treatment option will be.
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