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What Are the Different Types of Spinal Cord Stimulators Offered at The Pain Center San Diego?

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Spinal cord stimulation systems, also known as SCS systems, are designed to ease chronic back, leg and arm pain via electrical impulses. These impulses prevent the neurotransmitters in your brain from receiving pain signals. At The Pain Center San Diego, we offer trial implantation and permanent implantation for two types of Spinal Cord Stimulators so you can experience the most pain relief possible.

Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator

During and after your trial with the Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator device, we will assess the level of pain relief you can expect with a device implanted permanently. We will adjust the settings of the system to provide you optimal relief. However, you are also free to adjust the stimulation level with your personal programmer if you have a flare-up. 

After nine years of use, the battery in the device will retain over 95% of its original capacity. However, we encourage our clients to replace the system after nine years to ensure continued optimal pain relief. 

Abbott Spinal Cord Stimulator

The Abbot Spinal Cord Stimulation system can treat pain in several parts of your body simply by placing the leads in the appropriate areas. However, you only need one system implanted. The procedure and device itself are both covered by most health insurance providers, Medicare and workers' comp programs. This means if you have met your deductible for the year, you may not pay anything out-of-pocket. 

 Spinal Cord Stimulation - The Pain Center in San Diego

Benefits of Spinal Cord Stimulation Systems

Improved Range of Motion

The benefits of spinal cord stimulation systems go far beyond pain relief. Another popular benefit of SCS systems is range of motion improves dramatically once pain is eased. If stiff joints are decreasing your range of motion and quality of life, a Spinal Cord Stimulator can help. 


Another compelling benefit of spinal cord stimulation systems is they are much safer than taking pain medication. Pain medication comes with risks, causes side effects and becomes less effective with regular use. With an SCS system, there is no risk of chemical dependency, withdrawal, or reduced efficacy over time. 

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

You do not have to suffer from chronic pain for the rest of your life. A Spinal Cord Stimulator may be just what you need to experience extensive, long-lasting pain relief. To learn more about these devices, or to discover if you are an ideal candidate, please contact the friendly experts at The Pain Center San Diego to schedule your initial consultation. 


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