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Benefits and What to Expect After Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy

Pain Management, Neck Pain | | Return|

Neck pain can be debilitating and persistent. One study shows that almost 70 percent of people will experience it at some stage in life. For many, symptoms advance to chronic pain that can seem untreatable. They may suffer from persistent pain in the back of the neck that radiates down their shoulders and arms, causes tenderness and inflammation, and lead to painful muscle spasms. They may have tried and not responded to various treatments. In their case, they may be a candidate for cervical facet radiofrequency neurotomy. It is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that can relieve the nerve pain that is the root of their painful symptoms.

How Does Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy Ease Your Pain?

Cervical facet radiofrequency neurotomy begins by using a thin, heated needle to target the problem nerves. Our pain specialists can temporarily 'turn off' the signals causing your facet joint pain. The procedure is as simple as having you lie on your stomach, numbing the affected area, and providing you with medicine that will make you feel relaxed and at ease. The physician will safely insert the needle-like tube using a guided x-ray and use electrodes to treat the tiny medial branch nerves in your spine. Upon treatment, you should experience a range of benefits, including:

  • Cessation of chronic neck pain
  • End of the radiating pain to your limbs
  • Improved overall physical functioning
  • Improved mood and mental functioning for having the pain finally resolved
Benefits and What to Expect After CFRN

Recovery and What Happens After Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy

Cervical facet radiofrequency neurotomy is remarkably well-tolerated by our patients. Once treatment completes, we will place a bandage at the site of the procedure, and we'll observe your recovery for a short time; after that, you're headed home and on the road to better health. Common symptoms shortly after the procedure include:

  • Soreness from the injection
  • Continued neck pain at the start of the recovery, sometimes compared to the feeling of sunburn
  • Neck weakness as you recover
  • Increased sensitivity

Fortunately, symptoms clear up pretty quickly, and within a few weeks, you should start to feel much better and enjoy pain reduction as long as the right nerves were targeted. Most patients experience the relief that lasts for several months, and this relief may continue even after the nerves come back. If or when the pain returns, another procedure can be performed.

You may be an ideal candidate for a cervical facet radiofrequency neurotomy. Please contact us at The Pain Center San Diego for an initial consultation and discuss the next steps. We know you can't wait to experience the pain relief that you so deserve, and that's why we'll be with you every step of the way to solve your chronic neck pain!


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