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How is Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Performed?

Pain Management, Spinal Cord, Radiofrequency Ablation, Back Pain | | Return|

Sixty-five million Americansreport recently experiencing back pain. If you're among them, you're well aware of the debilitating effects this chronic issue can have on your ability to work, sleep, or enjoy day-to-day life. Linked to causing "psychological distress," it's no wonder that millions turn to their doctors, all searching for the same thing: relief. Fortunately, there's a solution that could be the key to live a more pain-free life.

What is Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation?

Lumbar radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a procedure that can bring you massive relief with very little need for recovery time. Many patients do not require any sedation and typically return home within the same day.

What Conditions Does Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation Treat?

This procedure has a goal that we can all get behind: ease pain. Its success in treating conditions like arthritis or joint damage makes it a perfect match for fighting your chronic back pain. It can also be used for tackling other common problem areas, like the neck or glutes.

How is Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation Performed?

To "ablate" means to remove, which may conjure mental images of more invasive surgery. On the contrary, an RFA merely removes the harmful effects your back pain has on you. With the help of x-ray imaging, doctors guide precise needles to problematic nerves in your back. These needles conduct small, electric currents, temporarily rendering the nerves incapable of sending those pesky pain signals to your brain.

Most patients experience very few side effects from the procedure, apart from possible tenderness or swelling at the injection site. Curl up with a couple of ice packs, and get ready for relief!

 Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

What is the Success Rate of Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation?

70% of patients report some degree of pain relief following their RFA procedure. It is widely regarded as safe and effective for treating chronic pain.

How Long Do the Effects of Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation Last?

Lumbar radiofrequency ablations aim to provide a reprieve from chronic pain. The typical patient who receives a successful treatment can expect relief for 6-12 months, although some treatments continue to provide relief for years. Following a successful lumbar radiofrequency ablation treatment, doctors will be able to more easily identify your most problematic nerves and provide additional relief with future procedures.

Find Relief from Lumbar Back Pain at The Pain Center San Diego

Our professionals at The Pain Center San Diego understand that our patients need a personalized approach to their pain. Our doctors specialize in back and neck pain. We keep up with the latest research to provide you with the best care.

You deserve a pain-free, happy life. Take control of your lumbar back pain and schedule a consultation to learn if lumbar radiofrequency ablation is recommended for you. The Pain Center San Diego is ready to help you get the relief you've been waiting for.


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